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This research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of using English podcast in improving speaking skills and students' difficulties in learning to speak. This research used mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative) with closed questionnaires and interviews as instruments. This research involved 6 students from 2 private universities, namely the Iskandar Muda University and Muhammadiyah Universities of Aceh as samples. The data obtained was analysed using thematic analysis where research identified or discovered themes through data collected by research regarding students' interests and difficulties in learning speaking skills. The findings of this research showed that there was some interest in learning speaking skills using English podcast. It could practice speaking skills, improve pronunciation, enrich vocabulary, increase confidence when speaking, motivation and inspire in learning speaking skills, and the topics discussed in the English podcasts were very interesting and varied so do not get bored when watching the podcast, and could also broaden the horizons in speaking skills. And also, the results of this research found several difficulties for students in learning speaking skills, namely, lack of confidence when speaking English, fear of errors in pronunciation, understanding vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation and also lack of insight into English public speaking skills. Finally, the author concluded that podcast had an impact on students learning English speaking skills. Podcasts are an effective medium used as an alternative to support learning speaking skills because the use of podcast in learning has an effect on increasing vocabulary, can be accessed at any time, and also facilitates the pronunciation of English vocabulary, and can be entertaining.


Speaking skill Podcast Interest

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How to Cite
The Student Interest in Learning Speaking Skills Through English Podcast. (2025). Meucaee: Journal of Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature, 1(1), 12-28.

How to Cite

The Student Interest in Learning Speaking Skills Through English Podcast. (2025). Meucaee: Journal of Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature, 1(1), 12-28.


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