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This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of using songs in vocabulary learning among seventh-grade students at SMPN 1 Banda Aceh. The research employs a Pretest-Posttest Single Group design to measure the differences in vocabulary scores before and after the intervention. Data were collected through pre-tests and post-tests administered before and after the song-based instruction. The intervention involved using specific songs during teaching sessions. Statistical analysis, including the paired sample t-test, revealed a significant improvement in students' vocabulary scores, with an average pretest score of 60.7 and a post-test score of 80.2. The calculated t-value was 54.2, which exceeded the critical t-value at a 0.05 significant level, leading to the rejection of the null hypothesis and supporting the alternative hypothesis that songs significantly enhance students' vocabulary understanding. These findings align with previous research and suggest that the song-based learning method can effectively improve vocabulary mastery and student engagement. The study recommends applying this method in other educational contexts and exploring the long-term impact of vocabulary learning through songs.


Vocabulary song Pretest-Posttest design

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How to Cite
The Effectiveness of Using Songs in Teaching English Vocabulary at SMP Negeri 1 Banda Aceh. (2025). Meucaee: Journal of Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature, 1(1), 1-11.

How to Cite

The Effectiveness of Using Songs in Teaching English Vocabulary at SMP Negeri 1 Banda Aceh. (2025). Meucaee: Journal of Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature, 1(1), 1-11.


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