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This study focuses on the planning and environmental management challenges in Pusong Village, Lhokseumawe City, particularly addressing issues of unmanaged waste and inadequate infrastructure. Despite regulatory frameworks provided by the Law No. 26 of 2007 on Spatial Planning, the implementation requires further legal research and effective enforcement. The research involves redesigning Dusun Pancasila area, emphasizing structured waste management and improved infrastructure, including healthcare facilities and community centers reflecting local cultural identity. The findings underscore the need for enhanced integration of updated regulations with practical implementation and community engagement to foster sustainable development and improve living conditions in Pusong Village.


Pengelolaan sampah, tata ruang, infrastruktur, desa pusong

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How to Cite
Mirsa, R., Novianti, Y., Andriani, D., Dafrina, A., Ardyan, M., Alashri, H., & Fahrizal, E. (2024). Perencanaan Tata Ruang Kawasan Dusun Pancasila Desa Pusong. PabMa: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Madani, 1(1), 8-17.

How to Cite

Mirsa, R., Novianti, Y., Andriani, D., Dafrina, A., Ardyan, M., Alashri, H., & Fahrizal, E. (2024). Perencanaan Tata Ruang Kawasan Dusun Pancasila Desa Pusong. PabMa: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Madani, 1(1), 8-17.


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